Article 1 – Purpose
The political Association “Great Lombardy” has as fundamental and general purpose the defense, the recovery and the emancipation of the Great Lombard identity. To achieve these purposes set forth, it is responsibility of the Board detailed planning of activities to be performed.
Article 2 – Members
Membership of the Association may be requested to the Board by all people who share aims and unreservedly accept the current Statute.
The admission, or rejection, is decided by the Board and communicated to the applicant within three months. Associates have duty to pay contributions established by the Board, to participate actively in community life and to behave in conformity with the purposes of the Association. Admission is for indefinite period, subject to the right of withdrawal. The Association provides untransmissibility of share or membership fee except for transfers due to death and not revaluability of the same.
The status of Associate shall be lost for: death, voluntary resignation, disqualification, expulsion. The termination of membership does not involve any settlement in favor of the former Associate or his heirs.
Article 3 – Economics
The Association’s activities are funded by: Members’ contributions, private contributions, and any other income allowed by law. The financial cycle lasts one year and coincides with the calendar year. The Board has the obligation to prepare and approve a report for each financial year of the economic and financial activities of the Association. It is strictly forbidden to distribute, even indirectly, profits or surpluses and funds, reserves or capital, unless the destination or the distribution is required by law.
Article 4 – Bodies of the Association
The organs of the Association are: the Assembly, the Board, the President.
Article 5 – The Assembly
The Assembly is the sovereign body of the Association and shall consist of all the members, who have equal votes. The Assembly is convened by the President, by notice in writing at least ten days before the collective to the date set for the meeting containing the agenda of the work, ordinarily every two years and in extraordinary session when requested by at least half members of the Board or a quarter of the Members. On first call, the Assembly is regularly constituted if at least half of the Members are present. On the second call, it is made on a regular basis with at least one quarter of the Members. In both cases, all the resolutions are passed by a simple majority of those voting. The discussions and deliberations of the Assembly are summarized in a report, prepared by the Secretary and signed by the President, which each Member is entitled to examine.
Article 6 – The Board
The Board determines the general policy of the Association and shall exercise the ordinary and extraordinary administration. May delegate his powers, but remain under the exclusive competence of the same: to approve the balance sheet and budget; define the membership fees; decide on the expulsion of Members; approve, amend and supplement the internal regulations; evaluate requests for readmission. The Board is composed of a minimum of three and a maximum of seven members elected by the Assembly from among its participants. Holds office for two years or for a shorter period to be determined by the early convening of the concurrent resignation of an absolute majority of its members. The Board shall meet when convened by the President, who presides over it, at least once every three months or whenever it is requested by the absolute majority of its members. Decisions are taken by simple majority and with the presence of half of its members. In case of a tie vote, the President goes double.
Article 7 – The President
The President legally represents the Association before third parties and in legal proceedings. Convenes and presides over the Assembly and Board resolutions adopted by running from them. He is elected from among the members of the Board and holds office as the Board itself. The Board appoints and dismisses a Secretary among its members, who shall take up the President duties when it is temporarily prevented. By resignation, permanent incapacity or death, its functions are undertaken by the Secretary until the Board, which will meet within thirty days after the event, will elect the new President.
Article 8 – Control
The Assembly may declare the cancellation or modification of individual acts made by the President or by the Board in blatant discrepancies by these Articles or by the interests of the Association. In the case of particularly serious violations, the Assembly may declare the dissolution of the organ itself, followed by the appointment of a Commissioner with the powers of the body replaced.
The Board is responsible for overseeing compliance with the Articles of Association by the Associates and their behavior. The Associates who failed to fulfill their duties shall be referred to the Board, he shall proceed to ascertain the facts, and referred to the possible hearing of the trial. The penalties are: written reprimand, suspension, expulsion.
Article 9 – Editing, proofreading and interpretation
The amendment to this constitution may be proposed by the Board or by at least a quarter of the Members and resolved by ordinary or extraordinary Assembly, with an absolute majority of at least three-quarters of the Members. The Board may correct any material errors or defects in the coordination between the articles of this Statute, or introduce provisions imposed by law. The same is competent to enact rules authentic interpretation of this Statute.
Article 10 – Dissolution of the Association
The dissolution of the Association can be resolved by ordinary or extraordinary Assembly, with an absolute majority of three-quarters of the Members. In any case there is obligation to donate the assets to another association with similar purposes or for purposes of public utility, considering the opinion of the control body in art. 3 paragraph 190 of the Law of 23 December 1996 No. 662, and unless otherwise required by law.
11 – Final Provisions
Although not specifically provided for herein, shall apply the provisions of the Civil Code and the laws in force.