
21 January (1277): Battle of Des

3 february (962): Birth of the Holy Roman Empire

2 February(1998): Butchery of Cermis

10 February (1947): Massacre of the “Foibe” and the Julian-Dalmatian exodus

18 Febbruary (1247): Battle of Parma

21 Febbruary (1339):  Battle of Parabiagh

22 March (1848): Beginning of the five days of Milan.

30 March (1397): Birth of the Duchy of Lombardy.

2 April (568): Coming of the Lombards of Alboin.

3 April (1077): Birth of the Patriarchy of Aquileia (festivity of Friul/Carnia).

7 April (1167): The oath of Puntida – Birth of the Lombard League.

21 April (753 a.e.v.): Birth of Rome.

23 April: Saint George (festivity of the Cross of the St. George).

25 April: Saint Mark (festivity of Venethia).

28 April (1487): Battle of Crevola.

7 May (1898): Cannon shots of Bava Beccaris against the crowd of Milan

11 May (1395): Constitution of the  Duchy of Milan (festivity of the Ducal).

22 May (1431): Battle of Pavia.

28 May (1974): Slaughter of Bresa.

29 May (1176): Battle of Legnan (festivity of the ethnic Lombardy).

31 May (1027): Birth of the Bishopric of Trent (festivity of Trentino-Alto Adige/Rezia cisalpina).

11 June (1859): Retreat of the Churchs Country from Romagna (festivity of Romagna/Senonia).

24 June (217 BC): Victory of Ducarius in the Trasimeno Lake.

30 June (1422): Battle of Arbed.

6 July (1449): Battle of Castion.

10 July (1009): Birth of Alberto Azzo II, founder of the Este (festivity of Emilia/Bononia).

10 July (1976): Disaster of the Seves.

18 July (388 BC): Sack of Roma.

19 July (1747): Battle of Assietta (festivity of  Piemont/Taurasia).

27 July (1993): Slaughter of via Palestro.

2 August (1980): Slaughter of Bologna.

3 September (569): Birth of the Lombard Kingdom in Milan (festivity of the Great Lombardy).

5 September (1395): Birth of the Duchy of Milan (festivity of Insubria).

11 September (1683): Battle of Vienna (festa d’Europa).

12 September (1919): Venture of Fiume (festivity of Venezia Giulia/Istria).

15 September (1448): Battle of Carevas.

18-19 September (1432): Battle di Delebi.

7 October (1571): Battle of Lepanto.

9 October (1963): Disaster of Vajont.

20 October (1944): Slaughter of Gorla – Remembrance Day of the Lombardy

6 November (2013): Fondation of  Great Lombardy.

5 December (1743): Revolt of Balilla (festivity of Liguria).

7 December: Remembrance of Belloves e Ducari (festivity of Milan).

12 December (1969): Slaughter of Piazza Fontana.

13 December: Dea Lucina/Gambara (festivity of Orobia).
